This article addresses so many important issues in relation to the feelings of despair that often arise at times of great suffering. It’s such an important point that when we experience trials and tribulations and feel a sense of complete hopelessness, there is an evolutionary principle at play.

I believe that feelings of disillusionment with life, which can develop into full-blown depression, are a fundamental part of the process we all go through at times of major life transitions. When we honour and work through the feelings, there is a potential for deep inner transformation.

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In this formulation depression is a signal from your subconscious. It is telling you something is wrong. It is useful, despite the despair it triggers.

Many aspects of modern life make us disillusioned. Depression seems a reasonable response.

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From the fall of 1983 until summer of 2005 I experienced pure dark night of the soul from October through March. Having ascended back to the land of light I embraced life deeply, only to descend yet again come Halloween.

22 times.

That appears to me now as a serial initiation into ever-deepening realms of compassion.

The Underworld is full of conviction that all life is suffering. Always has been and always will be. If I were a radio I got stuck on WWSD: World Wide Suffering and Despair.

Reality from this state of soul is: There is nothing to gain. Everything is dust in the wind. Why continue living? There is no escape…nothing to cherish or enjoy…ever…again.

One benefit from repeating despair is the knowledge that this voice is lying, or at best telling a partial truth. For despair eventually passes. The sun rises again. Relationships are precious. Good food is massively pleasurable. Simply to breathe is cause for gratitude.

The most perilous time for those walking the path through Mordor is the 2nd descent, which feels like too much to bear again. We don’t yet know the full power of Will to Live. Suicide looks mighty inviting. Without some kind of divine protection few of us would have survived.

22 descents.

Guess I was a slow learner 😂

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Valuable, pertinent, brilliant article. Thank you. This is a “must reed.” Fabulous work.

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Depression also can be a response to being gaslit by society.

(Seeing bad in reality while everyone else thinks it's great.)

For example, in the 2000s, I felt depressed that housing and healthcare were getting ridiculously expensive.

My colleagues, friends, and mentors didn't see that sooner or later this inflation would make life unliveable. They thought that rising house prices was a good thing, a good investment... If one can afford it.

2 decades later, finally people are noticing how ridiculous things cost... Just because of gas and egg prices... Lol. But I'm not depressed because at least most of us see it now.

Depression is a natural response to not believing in the irrational optimism of the masses. The dark night of the soul might very well be the catalyst to gaining a soul. By soul, I mean that which is truly individual and not controlled by group think like fake economics, religions, and other hive mind type crap.

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Atheist materialism is a type of hive mind type crap.

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To grow from depression is Jungian, to escape from it is profitable.

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I enjoyed your piece. It makes me wonder, however, how you apply this point of view if you consider those who end their lives due to depression. Why doesn't it become a transformation, but rather one’s end?

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Suffering comes to us all. Depression is incredibly painful. Jesus did not say we would have no suffering in this life but He promises to be with us. And I hope we can work off a little purgatory in this life. Converting to Catholicism was a big help to me.

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