As far as I am concerned the governments are well dressed thugs, I have signed no contract with them nor do I wish to.

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I concur with your assessment of involuntary governance structures, I explore why all modern day governments are incompatible with the permaculture ethical compass in this essay.


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I grow my own food for that (among many other reasons) for more info read:


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Obey authority? Here's the counterpoint to this question:

"The tragedy of war is that the young men and women die fighting each other - rather than their real enemies back home in their capitals." -Edward Abbey

Any questions?

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Only: why do men and women continue to do that?

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Given We are indoctrinated from birth by the psychopaths with money, propagandized and lied to, the groups of Us groomed to create divides, and Our medicine, land, food, water, air, education, electromagnetic environment, and information flow have been deliberately degraded, I think it's a miracle any of Us "wake up."

I have a very great amount of compassion for Our beset race here on Our planet.

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I believe you have found the "takeaway" of being in this "world" (as well as the "escape route")

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I agree. And awakening is a slow process. I've been on this journey for years and it seems, especially lately, that every week there's a new rabbit hole.

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Narrative narrative narrative. It blinds and binds these poor soldiers to the script, and then casts them off to die:

When Shakespeare sagely said that, "all the world is a stage", whether he meant that literally or not, it is and was absolutely true. All the world really is a stage—The narratives (narratives are the most powerful weapons in our world) we are bathed in from birth to death are - more often than not - counterfeit, and these narratives are the product of a parallel construction of events on a planetary scale.

What follows is some of the scaffolding used to construct the mirage reality of the global movie theater.

Quiet on Set, Places Everyone

Enter the CIA from stage left. Action!

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media." -Former CIA Director William Colby (Operation Mockingbird)

Excerpt from: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/counterfeit-continuity-in-our-fourth

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When whoever it was that wrote under Shakespeare's name said that, He did not Mean Humanity. The "men and women" were the useless ELiters, and We are, in Their view, the cattle. And indeed, They have been performing things to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions and drag Us where They want Us for a very long time. It truly is Plato's cave.

Escape the Cave! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/escape-the-cave

Can You Gaetz Which One is Which? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/can-you-gaetz-which-one-is-which

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"War is when the government tells you who the enemy is.

Revolution is when you make up your own mind about who the enemy is."

- Benjamin Franklin -

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I would like to ask the commenters: do you vote? If so, as well as this article, please bear in mind:

Edward Curtin re recent US election: Choosing the lesser of two evils is therefore an act of radical evil hiding behind the mask of civic duty.

Darren Allen: This is how evil grows, by offering the lesser of two evils until all the good is gone.

Iain Davis: While neither voting nor refusing to vote will change the iniquities of mob-rule, at least not voting signifies we do not consent to it. ... If we continue not to vote in sufficient numbers, at some point, this will become untenable.

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No. I do not "vote." Beyond that I do not consent to the psychopathic legal/governmental system, I would have to register. And...

Any time You register anything, You are giving it to the state – to do with and to it as the state sees fit – in exchange for a privilege. In the case of registering to vote, You are giving Your sovereignty, Your Self, to the state – to do with and to You as it sees fit – in exchange for the privilege of wasting time in a booth.

The for-profit corporation, USA Inc., appoints its officers, holds "elections" to maintain the illusion We have a say, "counts" the "votes," and tells Us who "won" (who They appointed).

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Who is "we"?

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The 'ability to use (deadly) force/ coersion AND more importantly, get away with it' is the prime motivation I reckon, to obey!

only way to beat them is in rebutting their presumption of contract/equity/everything!? in court is where its won, maybe. otherwise its living a remote/ always on the road lifestyle.

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"In court is where its won, maybe."

Dr. Joseph Sansone has been fighting the Florida government for the better part of this year through the court system to make the governor ban the bio weapons also known as covid vaccines, and have the attourney general confiscate the vials and start a forensic investigation.

He has proven in spades that the government there (and elsewhere for that matter) is fully captured. The United States is a fascist banana republic.

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Most involved in Government don't even know that the codes and statutes they call LAW are actually Corporate bylaws and not law, or better put, color of law. Thus Title 18, section 241 & 242 apply to the government structures that dish out their Just-us system they call justice.

Simply put, I Do NOT Consent, I Will NOT Comply, I Do NOT stand under any authority but my creator therefore I do NOT understand!!! All taxation is theft!!! prove me wrong please... Peace...

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i agree and am with you, but.. unless you are living in a 'cave' you/we DO comply.

unfortunately its the dumber policy enforcers that feeds us into their machine.

I would use (and tweak) the above essay in court on 1. jurisdiction or 2. the presumptions of a 'court' and 2 FOR THE PUBLIC RECORD.. hopefully there is a lawyer on here that will state yay or nay on using the above.

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Not a real big fan of Titles of Nobilities... Legal is a bunch of words on paper by known liars and thieves, we need to do what's right not what's legal...Joe Rogan.

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To Academy of Ideas:

You have always posted excellent work like this, I want to offer my gratitude.

I cross posted this one because it reflects quite well with my stance on Self Reliance.

On a human Social scale, Control Hierarchy is a natural enemy of Autonomous Life. Government has been a primary tool to create this distortion of Individual Sovereignty.

"Govern" = Control and "Ment" (from Mentis) = Mind

There are cultural examples of how Hierarchy formed in order to give Power to the Few; at great expense to the Freedom of each of the Many. This placed most Individuals into a Control grid and gave them a false obligation to serve in a subordinate manner, to benefit the Few so that they need not lift a finger.

This started with a process of Ingratiation, Infiltration and finally Usurpation. Yet all the power the Parasites seem to wield, stems from unconscious acquiescence. Either from a sense of misplace morality, or fear. Paper Terrorism in the form of the Legal System has been a manner to psychologically whip Individual Minds into getting in Line.

The Legal System is an Economy of Control; You are it’s Collateral, Your Compliance is it’s Currency, Your Blind willing Loyalty to It is it’s Coin, -- why would it ever allow acknowledgement of your Independence from it? This is only one of many reasons from many levels that I say Social Contracts must be ‘Rejected for Cause.’

This is my latest post on the topic of Individual Sovereignty:


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Thank you for this comprehensive, and yet concise analysis of the inherently immoral nature of involuntary governance structures.

The work you guys have been doing in the past year is exceptional, you offer a shining beacon of integrity, expressed in an array of questions, facts and perspectives that offer crystal clear mirrors for the heart, mind and soul. This is a sacred service you provide our human family and I feel compelled to help support your continued works in some small way so I will now become a paid subscriber. I highly recommend that anyone else that is able also offer a donation in the form of a paid sub to help the good people at Acedemy of Ideas continue to do their important work.

In this essay linked below, I endeavor to further deconstruct and illuminate the true nature of the religion of Statism.


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"The modern nation-state, in whatever guise, is a dangerous and unmanageable institution, presenting itself on the one hand as a bureaucratic supplier of goods and services, which is always about to, but never actually does, give its clients value for money -- and on the other as a repository of sacred values, which from time to time invites one to lay down one’s life on its behalf. . . . it is like being asked to die for the telephone company."

- Scottish-American philosopher, Alasdair MacIntyre

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"The very notion of government is evil. You don't need a person with authority to give you permission to do good deeds like help an old lady across the street or give food to the poor. The only thing you need authority for is to get permission to do something that everyone would say "THAT'S BAD!"

- Larken Rose -

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Not usually. The Moral Imperative is this; do not compel unjustly. Compulsion is force, threat of force, or fraud. If government operatives are violating The Moral Imperative, do not obey them.


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This article took a strange turn at the "consent through presence" section. If I am present in someone's home, then everyone will agree that I should abide their house rules or leave. If two homeowners enter a compact for a shared set of rules, then that would apply to both. Or if 3 or more up to the unit of a city-state. Ergo city-states can, in principle, rightfully set up forms of government.

A problem comes in when people set up laws that apply to areas of land they do not rightfully own, but even that is solvable assuming one sticks to justifiable human rights.

For further details see: https://reasonandliberty.com/essays/against_anarchism

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RE "rightfully set up forms of government." and "rightfully owning land".

Please define "rightfully"

What about the indigenous peoples of the land mass now known as "North America"?

Did they not "rightfully" own the land, and was that land not unlawfully stolen from them using violence?

Many of the cultures that lived here for millennia before the Europeans arrived had developed advanced democratic community consensus based governance structures and horticultural systems (such as the people of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy) that allowed them to build prosperous communities surrounded by regenerative agroforestry farming systems that make the imported monoculture farming system look like a sad primitive joke by comparison (in ecological literacy, productivity and maintenance required). For more on their society read: https://substack.com/@gavinmounsey/note/c-78686962

The kind of thinking you appear to promote, at its core, seems to be built upon some kind of notion of manifest destiny and/or a racial superiority complex.

There is nothing "justifiable" about what I documented in this post: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/the-rise-of-anthropocentrism-bright and yet those actions are what resulted in most people now residing in North America thinking they can say they "rightfully" "own" the land.

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What a bizarre way of reading. First you pretend to ask what I mean by "rightfully", then you presume by "rightfully" I must mean some completely heinous thing. I bet you're fun at parties.

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The "completely heinous thing" you refer to is the very foundation of modern western industrial civilization, the idea of having "rightful ownership" of land on Turtle Island and the entire exploitative economic model that many describe as an expression of "progress".

You dodged my question by attempting to point your finger at me and scowl but I am curious if you read the essay I linked above?

In your opinion, based on the data we have about the horticulturally advanced and democratic societies that lived here before Europeans arrived, would you say that they had "rightfully set up forms of government" ? and did they "rightfully own land" ? If not, why not?

Thanks for responding.

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There's probably some common ground here for mutual understanding but you're too busy hallucinating my viewpoint for me to be able to find it. When people project their bogeymen onto you it just takes a lot of effort.

I'm not "dodging" anything I'm making a point of order which is that I posted my view first and then you twisted/distorted it, so now to move forward we'd have to untwist it before we could address your other questions. Indeed, the fact that you call order "dodging" is yet another reason why you're just gonna be a time sink. I am under no obligation to disprove everyone on the Internet who's wrong about something.

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Rather than focusing on pointing fingers at bad guys, demonizing or (putting centralized systems on pedestals) I will be spending 2025 planting forests that provide food, medicine and increased levels of Sovereignty to those living in my local community.

True "liberty" (which involves reason) can only be attained by the individual that is capable of not only feeding themselves and their loved ones, but also by doing so in a way that enriches local ecology.

Many ancient cultures achieved just that over centuries and millennia in the past. Rather than bicker about current systems of government, I and those that work towards common goals along side of me, will leave those systems behind and plant the seeds for something else to grow in their place.


I invite you to join us in doing the same in your local community.

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However, if only some agree on this shared set of rules, even a majority, then what of the majority that do not? Do they have to abide or leave, even if they own their portion of the land?

Can the government (group under shared rules, whether voluntarily or not) own the land that has been purchased with the labor of individuals? If they're making the rules and confiscating property under threat of violence, they either already own the property or they're stealing it.

One justifiable human right is the right of association, to associate with whom we choose to. To be involuntarily governed by a set of rules that one does not agree to is a violation of that right.

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In my scenario they would have already agreed when they built the adjoining properties.

You're changing the scenario to one where they didn't plan ahead, which is a totally different topic. But in such scenario, all things equal, no you cannot assert your man-made rules onto someone else without their consent. You have to make a deal with the holdouts. (See my article.)

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It's just that most people are born/raised under some form of gov't and are subjected to that gov't throughout their lives. It can be difficult to leave one form of gov't for another, except for perhaps moving from one state to another which doesn't require some change of citizenship.

Most people don't actively or explicitly agree to anything, they just find themselves in it.

Excellent website, by the way (reasonandliberty.com).

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Yeah I certainly don't think there's a way to immediately implement the correct system, I'm just pointing out what the correct system would look like. Step 1 for moving in the right direction is identifying what's correct.

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Fuck no

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Yep. We actually have a moral obligation to not obey government. Everything else is the same thing with many different names: Might is right, law of the jungle, chaos, etc.

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No One, to whom I did not immediately and directly, and with fully informed consent, give authority over Me, has authority over Me lest I break the three Laws.

The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):

1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther

2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone

3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)

And I do not consent to any of the psychopathic legal/governmental system. Period.


I Have Authority Over You (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/i-have-authority-over-you

Calling a Legalate a Law (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/calling-a-legalate-a-law

The GentleOne’s Solution (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-gentleones-solution

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting


Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical

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The class war never ended

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As for "we the people" resisting government operatives who violate The Moral Imperative, it will not happen without charismatic leadership, if history is any guide.

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I disagree, hoping that someone is going to be our savior and fix everything for us is what got us into this mess. What is required of us now is radical decentralization, boycotting involuntary governance structures and nullifying immoral laws/institutions via satyagraha tactics.

Rather than look to find someone else to tell us what we should do with our lives, I think we should each look inward, discover our own unique gifts and then imagine a way we can put those gifts to good use to enrich our local community and give back to the living Earth.


It is for times such as these that Gandhi used Satyagraha – the force of truth to resist unjust laws and empires peacefully and non violently. In nature one of her most innate truths and constants is her irrepressible capacity for regeneration. We can align with this innate facet of the living planet that sustains us and become irrepressible as well. We can empower our communities to be able to rise from the ashes like the phoenix and embody a template for regeneration which others can adopt as well.

We can plant the seeds for abundance, health and hope. We can plant these seeds with our hands and our hearts. We can do this one regenerative garden and one regenerative community at a time.

It is time to move past the era of followers and leaders, peasants and princes, worshipers and saviors, minions and tyrants, corporations and consumers and usher in the age of self governed and self reliant human beings which collaborate of their own free will to leave this world a little more beautiful than it was before.

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So, what have you done? How has it worked out so far?

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Greetings David, first of all thanks for reading my comment and thank you for asking the great questions.

If you read the super long post I linked in the comment above pertaining to Embracing The Gift Economy As An Antidote For The Scarcity Economy (near the end) you will find a number of examples of how I have applied my approach of radical decentralization, symbiotically connecting with local ecology and divesting from supporting (and actively boycotting) corrupt statist regimes and corporate infrastructure, but I will also provide a brief description of some of my own personal endeavors that fit that description below.

Being raised on a farm using conventional industrial agriculture methods I had first hand experience seeing how corporations, government propaganda and exploitative thinking (imported from Europe to Turtle Island, aka "north america" centuries ago) were perpetuating a form of farming that resulted in diminishing returns, degraded soil and food that is compromised with chemical residues. One year I experimented by growing some crops organically in an unused section of the orchard and discovered an exponential increase in flavor, yield and crop resilience against diseases/pests. I endeavored to take that a step further than organic by getting certified in Advanced Permaculture Design and Regenerative Soil Science as a way to step beyond organic and into Regenerative Cultivation techniques. I have studied and applied those techniques for over a decade now and published a book that distills down what I have learned so that everyday people (whether living in urban settings, residential suburban, rural or on a farm) can apply regenerative food and medicine cultivation techniques using free materials to build soil, grow crops from seed to table, preserve the harvest, save seed, compost and perpetuate (as well as potentially scale up) the abundance.

I have donated copies of that book to schools that have school gardens, people living in poverty locally and abroad, along with heirloom seeds so that they would have everything they need to cultivate nutrient dense food and medicine, boycotting centralized systems and empowering themselves to be able to stand on their own two feet while also giving back to the living Earth.

For more on why Regenerative Gardening is an extremely empowering skill for boycotting corporations, governments and increasing local community resilience, read:


How has it worked out? It has been very rewarding, I have now heard back from people in over 40 countries that have a copy of my book and planted the seeds I sent them and they tell me of family dinners made with homegrown produce, pollinators visiting their gardens, kids learning to garden, community garden projects and their excitement to scale up the abundance into the future.

Thanks for the comment.

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Thanks for the link, Gavin. My comment about leadership is not about needing a savior; it is about the observation that individual action amounts to very little unless lots of individuals are involved, and that typically individuals are pretty much isolated and powerless without leadership. Witness the travesty perpetrated on "we the people" during the Covid years.

In a different venue, since 2005 I have been an ardent pro bono professional supporter and spokesman for the FairTax. I have served on the FairTax.org advisory board pro bono for three years. Even though the FairTax would be utterly beneficial for nearly ALL Americans, and even though H.R. 25 The Fair Tax Act has been introduced in every Congress since 1999, the bill has never gotten debate and a vote on the House floor. Why not? The answer is clear to me; without a charismatic leader, "we the people" are powerless.

I continue to support the FairTax and I continue to teach my students about the perils and costs of the federal government and its crony relationships with industry and commerce every year to about 100 students a year, even though I hold out very little hope of returning America ever returning to the constitutional republic of federalism it was intended by the Founders to be. Why? Because it is the right thing to do, win or lose.

Both you and I appear to be doing the best we can. Here is a link to my book

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