Without becoming philosophical to answer the title of this interesting article, my thoughts are that wanting to isolate us during the recent plandemic was a deliberate and evil manipulation by Canada’s growing totalitarian government to control the citizens. We could see right through their schemes of wanting to harm and not help us. They are very mistaken if they thought that by “protecting” us we would be grateful to them.

It divided this nation into two groups who remain suspicious of each other - those who are independent thinkers and railed against being denied their freedoms and those who kowtowed to the government because they think the government knows best.

Many of us adapted to the isolation by finding our own strength in intellectual pursuits such as reading, music and prayer. More than collective gathering, communication became more important. In that, we could still maintain contact with loved ones and friends, which was a great compensation.

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You will appreciate this podcast on the latest moves in tyrannical tip-toe in Canada in my podcast:


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Thank you ✝️

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Your welcome.

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Hello, I love your work and have great gratitude in meeting anyone who cares about the truth in this world. I wanted to make a more formal introduction, since I find it of my moral obligation, to share knowledge that I know can help in the evolution of humanity, based on studying Dr. Carl Jung, Dr. Stanley Milgram, Larken Rose, Mark Passio, Derrick Broze, Jim Gale and many others detailing untold psychology and philosophy, as well as unique solutions. I do all my work for free and for education because I care about my generation.

My name is Cory Endrulat, I am 23 years old, for which I started researching when I was 13. My journey started in health, with nutrition and reading ingredients; from there, it was only inevitable that I ran into the corruption involved within the health industry. I found myself getting into politics when I was 16, a major Trump supporter at the time, especially since the high energy came to my generation, and the independent media was also rather supportive of him. All my life I held nature core to my reasoning, and thus over time, I realized politics was no longer where the focus should be, and the healing that takes place within each individual with nutrition, can be applied to the world when we heal the minds of the masses (Hermetic principle of Mentalism). From healing and freeing the minds, comes healing everything else naturally. As I started to produce content, I got involved with Mark Passio (de-occultist) and his community, now part of One Great Work Network, I also started real-life events in many places. For instance, I hold monthly events in Tarpon Springs, Florida (here is an example of one we did on hypnosis and mind control: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG4XTl_lRHU ). Producing several books and documentaries, then summits with over 50+ speakers including Derrick Broze, David Icke and others, I came across your work. I also have many resources on action, if you want me to share. Here are some key points of interest that may benefit your work:

- How we can solve most if not ALL of the world's biggest problems (War, Political Corruption, Scarcity, World Hunger, Food Insecurity, Mental Illness, Cancer, Heart Disease, Infertility, Environmental Pollution and Deforestation, Poverty and Unemployment, Mass Extinction, Tyranny, The Rise of Artificial Intelligence) through Permaculture Food Forests (the science of working with nature to best grow food with lowest effort, highest yield) . Look up Jim Gale and Food Forest Abundance. We grow food instead of lawns, and we reach out to influencers to make this happen on a mass scale, and we become free in so many ways, it's very simple and powerful. Jim has 50 acres in Central FL, totally off-grid. I'm in touch with him. Here is a quick video I did on him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S63VSBV2Z8Y and here is a great interview he did with Del Bigtree: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJEihCcRH0c More info: t.me/foodforestabundance and a powerful video I did as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6VMo33Vx7Y Check out this video I did on the Earth Council, which Jim created, featuring many world leading doctors, scientists and content creators on freedom and self-sustainability: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVgqWJYrAc4

- How slavery still exists, and by our own consent. How mental slavery is the most dangerous and how "political slavery" as said by previous historical Abolitionists, is at the root to ALL slavery. This is why I call myself an Abolitionist. This is detailed in my summit and also my rendition of my Slavery Gone For Good book which features 400+ pages of quotes on psychology, philosophy, former slaves and 19th century Abolitionists. Similarly, how 19th century Abolitionists (and Quakers before them) and their "nonresistance" would influence writers like Leo Tolstoy (known as one of the greatest authors of all time), who would then directly influence Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. in their acts of "civil disobedience." More info on this: https://theliberator.us/book I am willing to provide this book to you for free, digital or in-person paperback.

- How "statism" is the "most dangerous superstition" as detailed by Larken Rose, it's knowledge contributes to "the end of all evil" as said by Jeremey Locke (unknown author) and "the one true divide" as said by Mark Passio (his best work is his "Natural Law: The Real Law of Attraction" seminar, he escaped the Church of Satanism). Inversely, the solution of "voluntaryism" as affirmed by psychology, the idea that we can live in a voluntary world (a world based in consent), to end all political slavery and divide, morality and the golden rule without contradiction. As in medicine, we must get to the root cause, without symptom management and distraction. I have made many charts on this subject (such as The Statist Criterion, which also details Shadow Work and Socratic Methods), and have shown this knowledge to be the ONLY true solution to the "controversial" Dr. Stanley Milgram experiments. I also hold many huge projects for everyone to contribute to this education, including medical projects which focus on the science of it which hasn't been done (with ex-scientologists and others in the field who see left-brain imbalance, among other concerns; anyone from the medical community may join this or critique our work, we've gathered research material over the years). I've also developed AI chat-bots to challenge an individual's worldview using questions, and quizzes as well. (This ties into the slavery issue) Learn more here: https://theliberator.us/slavery

- How the Ancient Chinese (through the philosophy of Taoism) were the FIRST to discuss profound liberty and spiritual ideas in action, and openly rebel against dogmatic systems. There are also a number of different philosophers we never learn about in history, with very profound writings like Lysander Spooner. Dr. Carl Jung was fascinated by Taoism and the I-Ching, as it has strong correlates to psychology. I'm also willing to provide this book for free. Taoism emphasized a connection to nature (much like Stoicism which is growing in popularity), and most people in the West don't know about it, despite it being closely connected with Feng Shui, Qigong, Tai-Chi, TCM, etc.

Thanks to all your work, I hope this may assist, please feel free to reach out. I'm open to ideas. I have many projects not shared here. It is my goal to effect change in the world.


Cory Edmund Endrulat, All My Links: https://taplink.cc/coryhealth

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, 7-Time Author, Organizer, Content Creator, The Liberator 2 News Editor

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Possibly, but there are some salient points to be considered alongside:

- The measures were probably quite effective as a public health policy.

- They were only ever considered temporary measures.

- It wasn’t just democracies that employed social distancing methods.

- Technological methods of communication circumnavigated the social distancing policy.

- There were instances of governments trying to mitigate the effects on mental and physical health of its citizens.

But I take the point that it seemed that way. And if a democratic government was to make an attempt to be more authoritarian, then it would be this kind of incompetence that we should expect to see.

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They are not democratic governments, it is a theatre that provides control to the powerful. In lockstep across the earth, they all did it together.

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Small communities were also totalitarian at times.

Remember witch burning?


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Witch burnings were a means to seize control of healing and put it in the hands of a few. It was a power play.

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Agree. It's human nature, after all.

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I do not agree that it is human nature; it is that evil nature which is not natural which you are seeing. Babies share and play and help each other; they act naturally. Deceipt, theft and manipulation is a learned behaviour from corrupted adults who have fallen away from natural law.

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“Evil” is part of the human condition.

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We have ultimate freedom of choice. The choice is ours to gravitate towards evil or not. It is not natural to be evil. Read the book Snatched from the Flames for some insight here. That was someone who survived a maximum satanic family.

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“The genius of totalitarian leadership lies in its profound awareness that human personality cannot tolerate moral isolation."

That's not genius. That's an obvious no-brainer.

"It lies, further, in its knowledge that absolute and relentless power will be acceptable only when it comes to seem the only available form of community and membership.”

The point isn't that it's "acceptable." The point is it's maladaptive.

The Super Tyranny of The Hostile Elite is a Maladaptive Force.

So who cares about the "moral" condemnation of an immoral and maladaptive elite who constitute a threat to the human race?

Who cares about not fitting into their "moral" universe (block universe would be a better term)?

Since the aim of the hostile elite that is running and ruinning the West is Full Spectrum Domninance, or Totalitarianism, then social isolation is what I like to refer to as a Trogan Gift (as in Trojan Horse). They're doing us a favor. True, it's a challenge, and some might not make it.

But they're still doing us a favor.

The good news is, even if everyone went along to get along, it won't work.

The attempt of the hostile elite to impose a social order, in the form of a Super Tyranny, that is free from control and sustained by force, has only increaseed the uncontrolled exercise of naked power. And it's exactly that force - constantly applied - that is underming the very social institutions their power now controls. The result is a devastating social incoherence and corresponding culture crisis.

A crisis from which there is NO political solution since, for now at least, all political power answers to the Super Tyranny. For this reason genuine and lasting change will only come from those now operating on the periphery. No change will ever come from an undifferentiated mass in desperate search of a leader. Nor will it come from a maladaptive force like the hostile elite. It will come from us.

"The readiness is all."

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All their solutions are more control and one world government. That is the point, and the crisis is a means to an end.

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True. And the end is itself producing its own crisis.

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Yes, a devious cycle of reducing our experience, choice and liberty, while simultaneously gaining more power over us.

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Great video essay! I quoted it and linked to your channels in my latest article: https://goodneighborbadcitizen.substack.com/p/is-individualism-anti-social

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It makes the masses easier to control. This was talked about in the book Rape of the Mind. It is a tool of psychopaths.

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Perhaps being divided by conspiracy theories makes us easier to control too. It’s an interesting paradox.

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Yes like the Trump Assassination Attempt, so many competing theories we are tying ourselves into pretzels trying to get to the truth.

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I'm not. I know government is evil. So I don't waste time trying to learn every little detai.

It's evil. . .so all I focus on now is strategies of knowledgeable revolt and abandonment.

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Rape of the mind explains what the governments were up to during fake covid (to gain control). All laid out in a book written after WW2. Same plays, different days.

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Sounds a bit inflammatory for my tastes but thanks for the suggestion.

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funny my goal is to go off grid and live in basic isolation. . . it's more peaceful than the chaos of modern "civil"ization.

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. . . funny my goal is to go off grid and live in basic isolation. . . it's more peaceful than the chaos of modern "civil"ization.

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Individuals generally remain free to seek answers for the things that feel wrong for themselves. Be it in some form of community instruction (e. g. religion) through to some kind of one-to-one conversation. And even if totalitarianism removes the words for one’s troubling, the feelings remain. It is aloneness which can strengthen the individual. The one who is alone in a crowd without feeling isolated – the realized individual. A personal discipline the discipline of totalitarianism can never remove.

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Faith in a higher power was revealed to be the secret ingredient to overcoming tyranny in the Soviet and Nazi times ( both collectivist tyrannies).

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Hay good video. Nice! Bongino also was kind enough ,& giving enough to share and explain Rules for Radicals (Saul Allynsky) "seperate / isolate " rule . Can't remember which number it's on , but explains it too. He was talking about it in terms of the ADT which hunts, COVID and like wise and it made sense. & Was matter of fact enough to say ,"gay this is what and how they train us police for crowd control" . That stuck with me totally because he's right . Especially in terms of how cults attempt to take hold of and control ones free will and mind .

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Ah yes, the fantasy of "community." Rather, free association of individuals.

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Why can't I post a reply

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. . . funny my goal is to go off grid and live in basic isolation. . . it's more peaceful than the chaos of modern "civil"ization.

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