As suggested, I have found that it is nearly impossible to convince others that a large swath of our society has no true feelings towards anyone. The cliché "How could anyone do such a horrible thing...?" comes to mind. Ironically these same people seem to be drawn to these psychopathic sorts, then allow themselves be convinced of the nonsense that is exuded, then eagerly vote them into power, and finally defend their choice to death. Perhaps power does not lie in the psychopath but rather his power lies in the sad state of ignorance, loneliness, and apathy within society. Strong individuals and communities would perhaps neutralize much psychopathy? If this is the case, we are in a bad way today.

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Years ago I was working in a halfway house facility for girls being released from a lock up, in which we supposed to prepare them for re-entry into society. While there I stumbled over a document I have never managed to find again, about "I Levels". But I have used the understanding I gained ever since.

There are 7 levels of human awareness, called "I Levels". The human being develops, in their lifetime, through these levels until they stop at the level at which they are comfortable. The theory explains our levels of development but not whether it is entirely nature or some nurture. I think it implies nurture, in that everyone goes through each level until they stop. But why they stop, or how to trigger their further development was not explained in the document I read.

I have written a brief explanation of these 7 "I levels" in a separate post, as it is too long to write here, but in summary.

Level 1: the new born baby: "I am the universe."

Level 2: "I am the centre of the universe and everything revolves around me."

Level 3: "I am the centre of the universe and everything revolves around me, but some things are for me and some things are against me."

Level 4: "Some things are not about me, and I can understand how others feel if I have felt something similar myself."

Level 5: "Some things are not about me, and I can feel what others feel even where I have not felt something similar myself."

Levels 6-7: various levels of spiritual awakening.

Click here for a fuller explanation. https://christinekent.substack.com/p/how-to-understand-the-behaviours

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I’ve just written a short post about this topic after listening to Jordan Peterson’s interview with the Sound of Silence guys. Tim Ballard talks there about the looking in the eyes of these ‘ordinary people, like you and me’ and seeing that evilness. Disturbing beyond words. Did we reach that ‘tipping point’ that Gladwell talked about all those years ago? The psychopaths in politics and BigPharma basically rule the world and have turned followers into citizens without conscience or morals?

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*Sound of Freedom guys, I think you meant.

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Maybe the end result of fluoride in the water supply?

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Psychopaths have existed much longer than fluoridated water. And as mentioned in the video, psychopaths seem to be born that way. Per Hubbard's work, that's because their extremely maladapted attitude towards life developed many lifetimes ago.

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Jul 12, 2023
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But I think it is/has also increased as a percentage of the population...and I have no explanation for that.

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The suggestion that psychopaths can create a psychopathic culture accords with my experience at a large media corporation. When ruthlessness and exploitation are highly valued at the top, that’s the kind of culture you get in the ranks. Success means adopting psychopathic traits and survival means considering them normal.

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The link below is to a paper which evaluates the two principal hypotheses for existence of psychopathy: environmental or evolutionary. https://ir.ua.edu/bitstream/handle/123456789/7780/Evolutionary%20Theory%20and%20Psychopathy_Glenn.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Napoleon Chagnon described a Yanomami man whom his fellow villagers had named "Asshole." He was apparently a psychopath. Eventually, some of his victims tired of being patient and followed him into the forest one day. When he had ascended a palm tree to harvest nuts, they let loose a shower of arrows that solved the village's problem.

Personally, I believe that psychopathy is a behavioral strategy controlled genetically and providing large benefits if those who were victimized remain passive. In primeval human societies, the frequency of genetically-controlled psychopathy was kept low because of communal or individual violent retribution. After the state claimed a monopoly on violence, the selective advantage of genetically-controlled psychopathy must have risen considerably.

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Your last paragraph really resonates with me.

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The Alaskan Eskimo have a word..."kunlangeta". It literally means "one who knows what he's supposed to do and refuses to do it".

They have an interesting solution for such ones. When they're out on the ice, everyone looks somewhere else and someone pushes him into the water.

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A succinct summary of sociopathic society.

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Interesting that Martha Stout says: “…there is no convincing body of findings linking the core characteristic of [psychopathy]—that is, the absence of conscience—with childhood maltreatment…In fact, there is some evidence that [psychopaths] are influenced less by their early experience than are [nonpsychopaths].”

Did she study the practices of the predatory "elite" bloodline families? I think I recall reading that besides inbreeding for higher rates of psychopathy, these families had developed (trauma based?) techniques of inducing psychopathy in their young, as a way of "carrying on the family tradition".

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We can't weasel our way out of this one. The only path to understanding such people is to address the issue of past lives.

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Hmmm... I hadn't considered the issue of past lives. Can you say more?

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Hubbard's theories regarding human behavior rely heavily on his research into past life incidents. In his first book, he only got as far as pre-birth (fetal) incidents. But not long after, with the assistance of an electronic instrument invented by one of his students, he began to find numerous past life incidents in most if not all of his patients. These incidents were key to resolving various psychological problems.

However, he later invented ways (called Objective Processes) to handle some of these problems without requiring the patient to directly confront specific past incidents. It's not that easy to do, particularly if it is a death, or the murder of another or others.

Hubbard invented many helpful procedures that do not require excessive training to apply to others. But those who want to do the total deep dive require counselors (the generic word we use) who have been intensely trained. This limits the availability of these more advanced processes to the general population. But you can study the materials about many of Hubbard's discoveries without too much cost.

Other practitioners have also used past life incidents to help their patients. Most of them use various forms of hypnotherapy. See in particular Dolores Cannon.

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Excellent collection here. Thank you!

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No argument here. What people do not I think understand, is that psychopaths can be non serial killers...they can be narcissistic, Personality B cluster personalites (antisocial personality disorder

borderline personality disorder

histrionic personality disorder

narcissistic personality disorder) as well as overlap with schizophrenic or paranoid personality disorders.

And they are highly successful.

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I'm just a civilian, and I tried to look up sociopath versus psychopath definitions. There are various opinions. So my personal opinion is: sociopathy is a spectrum, with psychopaths at one end.

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This was a good video although it ignores Hubbard's work.

Hubbard claims to have discovered what causes psychopathy and a therapy for "curing" them (if they are willing to submit to it). He also goes over a way to detect psychopaths here: https://www.scientology.tv/series/l-ron-hubbard-library-presents/the-anti-social-personality-the-social-personality.html

This knowledge is used within his organizations (however imperfectly) to protect them from the kind of breakdowns that Łobaczewski warns of in his references to pathocracies.

Further, psychic investigations using validated tools confirms the existence of real "Reptilians." It's no myth - though some may misuse the term. And many (but not all) Reptilians measure up (at least in some ways - as predators) to our stereotypes for what psychopaths are like.

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Oh agent Starling you think you can die-sect me with this bluunt little tool

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I never watched Silence of the Lambs...

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The authorities attempt to pysch evaluate a very clever pyschopath, don't they sometimes play along pretend to be rehabilitated?

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Excellent! Clear, concise collection of quotes. Will share.

Update: have shared, via: https://heroesvsvillains.substack.com/p/the-psychology-of-psychopaths-predators

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Show me the incentive, and I will show you the outcome - Charlie Munger, owner of warren buffet

Munger is right, look at modern western medical, they only get rich by making a patient sicker, or on intensive care;

The incentive system is to KILL, so no wonder that all the rich are monsters, because you can only get rich by being a killer;


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Why do you have a computerized/artificial voice narrating this? (It’s disturbing to me.). Why not have a human being read the narration?

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Very good and complete article Harrison, thank you. It's only sad that society doesn't want to face that reality so much and that so few people are conscious of the danger of letting such people take power of the world or of others people's lives. It's terrible too that so many people do know what this is representing as risk for the world but they are keeping that knowledge for themselves or acting as this subject doesn't even exist, by gaslighting or by deny. About the "strange or attractive or hypnotizing eyes" that has been certified in the psychopath individuals, ( I have been thinking about this for a long time ) that kind of snake eyes that many people recognize it is hard to protect yourself from, there is, i believe probably a thing to do with what is called " animal magnetism". That animal magnetism has been explained in the work of Alexandre Barety in 1887 already and there is certainly something to do with the psychopaths looks. Magnetism as described is working manly from the heart the hand and the eyes and has been studied as "a radiating and circulating neural force in its physical, physiological and therapeutic properties". I want to share this with you because i think this is an important point of interest.

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Is this where vampire tyoe myths came from?

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